USP is a probe design tool for hybridization in low and high throughput experiments. UPS selects unique probe for submitted sequences and evaluates probe-to-target hybridization under a user-defined condition in silico to ensure the high performance of hybridization as well as low possibility of non-specific reaction.
Hubba is a powerful prediction tool for hub/essential proteins with a user-friendly interface. Hubba can decipher the critical keys inside biochemical pathways and complex network, there will be significant clues to provide candidates for gene knockout and potential drug-targets for developing novel treatment in cancer cells and emerging pathogens. Here we also converted Hubba into cytoHubba, a Cytoscape Plug-in for Hub Object Analysis in Network Biology
Hubba線上分析平台,可用以分析生物複雜網路交互作用系統中的重要樞紐分子,以圖像化手法呈現重要性來對樞紐蛋白質排名,並顯示這些重要結點之間的關連性,協助辨識疾病細胞內與感染過程中的重要網路次模組,及特定基因群所關連的小網路,提供網路醫學研究與新的治療方法的開發。為了利用Cytoscape的輔助與其軟體能見度,與cytoscape平台其他plug-in 的協助,我們將hubba變成cytoscape的一個分析模組,稱為cytoHubba 得以提供更多生物學家對龐大的基因網路,採取更精闢、便利的分析,進而提升生物網路分析的準確度。
paralleled mechanism
自動選擇最佳演化模型化之生物分子親緣關係分析平台,共有56種DNA演化模型及112種蛋白質演化模型,可供本系統同時評估,Compute the Hubba Score 並提供互動式親緣樹檢視介面及平行化運算機制
將實驗室中所產生的各種紀錄,以電子化方式儲存於網路伺服器/筆記型電腦/USB 隨身碟,並經由瀏覽器方便管理、分享、搜尋、備份、列印,及與研究伙伴線上討論相關問題

Two kinds of version will be provided in the future:
1. For group use: Linux-based version
2. For small group/personal use: USB-ELN, windows/ Macbased version
將提供兩種ELN 版本:
1. 大型實驗室群組版本: 相容於Linux 平台環境
2. 中小型實驗室與個人單機版本: USB-ELN, 可相容於微軟視窗/麥金塔 作業環境
更多線上研究成果(More Achievements available on Web):
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- PDA Primer design Assistant (PDA), for PCR primer design, NAR2003
- hp-DPI Database of Protein Interactome of Helicobacter pylori, Bioinformatics, 2005
- flyDPI Fly-DPI, Database of Protein Interactome of Drosophila melanogaster, BMC bioinformatics, 2006
- POWER POWER, phylogenetics web repeater, NAR, 2005
- myBLAST (web version), a BLAST platform with customized databases and results management, submitted
- MOLAs MOLAs, Microarray Online Analysis system
- Hunter, A hub-attachment based method to detect functional modules from confidence-scored protein interactions and expression profiles, BMC Bioinformatics, 2010,
以基因表現資料 與蛋白質交互網路來找出具生理功能的蛋白質複合體
- Clustering, Assembly of Protein Complexes by Integrating Graph Clusterings, Submitted
- AfterGenbank, Annotation-Feature Extractor from Genbank, Submitted
An updated, value-added data gateway of gene information derived from GenBank database, submitted, http://aftergenbank.nhri.org.tw,
以圖像化方式擷取特定基因特徵或物種之核酸或蛋白質序列,並提供下載與序列比對,可快速擷取如Microbial 16s rRNA 等大量序列,可供環境基因體(Metagenomics)研究鑑別特定序列群中物種組成所用
- PAGE Penaeus Genome Database, Marine Biotechnology, 2010
- HUNTER A hub-attachment based method to detect functional modules from confidence-scored protein interactions and expression profiles, BMC Bioinformatics, 2010