Date: June 9, 2015, 9:30 -12:00 Venue: 人文館遠端會議室 |
0.引言/Opening |
9:30-9:40: 林仲彥 博士 (Chung-Yen Lin Ph.D.) 系統網路生物實驗室 (Lab of Systems Biology and Network Biology, http://eln.iis.sinica.edu.tw) 中央研究院資訊科學研究所 (Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica) 內容:將簡介實驗室相關生物醫學巨量資料研究、以及已發表公開的生物資訊系統平台與資料庫等。 This brief will show our recently research works about biomedical big data and their applications. Meanwhile, we will show you those published web applications and databases available for public.
3.電子實驗室記錄本/Elegance: Electronic Lab Notebook-- Digitize your experimental designs and results into wisdom from Discovery to Publication |
11:20 - 12:00 黃智偉 先生 (Mr. Chi-Wei Huang) 系統網路生物實驗室 (Lab of Systems Biology and Network Biology, http://eln.iis.sinica.edu.tw) 中央研究院資訊科學研究所 (Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica) 內容: 電子實驗室記錄本之運用與維護 將實驗室中所產生的各種紀錄與大量數據,以電子化方式儲存於網路伺服器/一般桌上型/筆記型電腦,可藉由一般電腦、筆記型電腦與移動式裝置如智慧型手機與平板電腦等,以一般的網路瀏覽器就可以來存取實驗相關內容與研究數據,以高親和性介面,協助使用者管理、分享、搜尋、備份、列印,及與國內外研究伙伴線上討論相關問題,讓實驗室的眾多智慧、想法與研究歷程得以紀錄回顧與交互串連,不受時空與人員異動的影響,讓實驗室的智慧結晶得以快速存取與整合,並隨時上傳新的想法與心得,即時分享給研究伙伴,加速研究的進展。 The hand-writing, paper-based recording way is not competent to keep data in increasing volumes and complexity, and is hard to make data sharing in a cooperating project among various disciplines and research communities. With more and more outputs generated with digital deluge from high throughput biology, a web platform we developed for knowledge repository with the functions like search, backup, reconstruction will be an important issue in current laboratories for daily records. 平台: Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN) (影音簡介) |