2015 Spring Workshop on Biomedical Research in High throughput biology: From Experimental Design, Data Analyzing to Results recording



Date: June 9, 2015,  9:30 -12:00       Venue: 人文館遠端會議室


9:30-9:40: 林仲彥  博士 (Chung-Yen Lin Ph.D.)

系統網路生物實驗室 (Lab of Systems Biology and Network Biology, http://eln.iis.sinica.edu.tw)

中央研究院資訊科學研究所 (Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica)


This brief will show our recently research works about biomedical big data and their applications. Meanwhile, we will show you those published web applications and databases available for public.

[Slides in PDF]

1.  次世代高通量基因組測序 - NGS平台原理和實驗設計的考量/ Next-Generation Sequencing – principles of NGS platforms and experimental considerations

9:40 - 10:20: Mei-Yeh Lu Ph.D., 呂美曄博士

研究副技師, 生物多樣性研究中心(Associate Research Specialist, Biodiversity Research Center)

中央研究院定序中心 (Acedmia Sinica)


內容: 本課程將介紹常用的NGS平台、原理、和常見的應用。內容也將包括平台選擇,實驗設計的總體考量,以及NGS應用相關的樣本問題。


This lecture will introduce the principles of the popular NGS platforms and their common applications. The contents will also address the general considerations for choice of platform, experimental design of omics study, and related sample issues.

[Slides in PDF]

2. 次世代定序之線上基因概況分析平台/ Multi-Omics onLine Analysis System (MOLAS)

10:30 - 11:10 Shu-Hwa Chen Ph.D., 陳淑華 博士


(Lab of Systems Biology and Network Biology, http://eln.iis.sinica.edu.tw)

中央研究院資訊科學研究所 (Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica)

內容: 簡介運用於人類與小鼠等模式生物之次世代定序結果基因概況線上分析平台

Here we present MOLAS, Multi-Omics onLine Analysis System, a robust web application which can take gene expression data (FPKM/RPKM/CPM) from different libraries as inputs, map these expressed genes with build-in annotations for further analyses and reveal biological meaning of the complex data in the intuitive interface.

Web link for result: http://molas.iis.sinica.edu.tw/molas_demo/

Help page: http://molas.iis.sinica.edu.tw/help.html

[Slides in PDF]

3.電子實驗室記錄本/Elegance: Electronic Lab Notebook-- Digitize your experimental designs and results into wisdom from Discovery to Publication 

 11:20 - 12:00 黃智偉 先生 (Mr. Chi-Wei Huang)

系統網路生物實驗室 (Lab of Systems Biology and Network Biology, http://eln.iis.sinica.edu.tw)

中央研究院資訊科學研究所 (Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica)

內容: 電子實驗室記錄本之運用與維護


The hand-writing, paper-based recording way is not competent to keep data in increasing volumes and complexity, and is hard to make data sharing in a cooperating project among various disciplines and research communities. With more and more outputs generated with digital deluge from high throughput biology, a web platform we developed for knowledge repository with the functions like search, backup, reconstruction will be an important issue in current laboratories for daily records.

平台: Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN) (影音簡介)

下載:Windows/ Mac, Linux/ Cloud version

[Slides in PDF]